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Brand Name : ATAMOL-250

Composition : Paracetamol 250mg/5ml

Packing : 60ml

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Paracetanol 250mg/5ml

Paracetamol 250mg/5ml - Paracetamol 250mg/5ml a popularly given drug called suspension lowers high body temperatures and relieves discomfort (fever). It helps to recover childhood illnesses such as the common cold, toothache, toothache, and body soreness.

Know More About Paracetanol 250mg/5ml

The medicine is generally considered to be safe and effective, but it may not be appropriate for everyone. Tell your doctor when your child is in treatment for any blood-related condition or is allergic to any medicine or is suffering from birth problems, liver impairment, or kidney impairment. This will assist your child's doctor to assess the dosage and effectiveness of this drug more efficiently.

How Does Paracetamol 250mg/ml Works?

Paracetamol 250mg/5ml - Paracetamol 250mg/5ml Syrup has the properties of analgesic (pain-reliever) as well as antipyretic (lowers the body's temperature) properties. It helps relieve pain by blocking chemical messengers as well as pathways within the brain that transmit signals to the brain about fever and pain.

Avoid giving your children the PM 250 mg/5ml Suspension in addition to other medicines (many influenza and cold medications as well as other painkillers) that contain paracetamol because this could result in an overdose and can cause serious reactions such as liver toxic (liver damage).

Benefits Of Paracetamol 250mg/ml

Paracetamol 250mg/ml is effective in relieving pain brought on by migraine, headaches or toothache, nerve pain sore throat, and menstrual (menstrual) discomforts or arthritis, as well as muscle aches. It is popular and rarely produces side effects if used in the correct dose. It is best to take it as recommended to gain the maximum benefits. Be sure to not take it longer or for longer than is necessary as this could be risky.

Direction To Use | Paracetamol 250mg/ml

You should take this medication at the amount and for the duration recommended by your physician. Make sure to read the label before use. Make sure to measure it using the measuring cup, then drink. Shake it well before use. Paracetamol 250 mg/5ml Suspension should be taken along with food.

Side Effects Of Paracetamol 250mg/ml

Paracetamol 250mg/5ml Suspension doesn't cause serious adverse reactions and is generally well-accepted by children. If adverse effects do occur they will likely diminish when the body can adapt to the medicines.

Contact your doctor If these side effects continue to bother you or cause discomfort for your child. The most commonly reported adverse effects are Indigestion, Stomach pain. Nausea. And Vomiting.